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Predictive and Prescriptive Analysis 

Track Vital KPIs to From Reliable Predictions to Informed Futures

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With the help of artificial intelligence, analyze your customers’ past buying behavior to predict the future and develop more effective business strategies for your success.

How can Markograph Predictive and Prescriptive Analysis Help?

As the saying goes, “The past is a guide to the future.” Markograph utilizes post-purchase behavior analysis to forecast future customer actions, guiding your path to success. Through artificial intelligence, Markograph assesses past buying behavior, offering predictive models for data-driven strategies. This empowers you to optimize marketing, advertising, and promotional campaigns for better results

Churn Prediction

Leveraging data, algorithms, and machine learning, Markograph predicts customer churn proactively. You can focus on specific timeframes or customer segments to answer:

  • Will my customers churn in the next x days?
  • Which customer segment may churn in the next x days?

Markograph tailors algorithms using artificial neural networks, identifying churn from historical data and patterns. This informs data-driven decision-making and empowers e-commerce businesses with smarter customer retention strategies, shaping a more successful future.

Time between Purchases

Your business objectives and priorities are uniquely yours. No one understands wa

This analysis, relying on past purchase behavior, evaluates average customer repurchase rates for second, third, and subsequent purchases to anticipate future buying patterns. It helps identify:

  • Churn-risk customers
  • Imminent buyers
  • Customers with long gaps between purchases
  • Customers with short gaps between purchases

By analyzing purchase timing, this tool helps you optimize product marketing and target customers effectively.

hich filters can enhance your business analysis better than you do. Take control and create custom filters to generate tailored reports aligned with your specific needs and goals. This feature enables swift data analysis using filters such as geographical regions, customer segments, purchase amounts, and more.

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Product Bundling

Boosting sales is made easier with product bundling, and Markograph facilitates this process. Select a product and discover which other items are likely to sell well alongside it. This feature offers crucial insights into product bundling, upselling, cross-selling, and assortment. Leveraging Markograph’s bundling feature and associated strategies can enhance product sales and create a more optimal customer experience.

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