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So far, we have gone over market segmentation and customer segmentation, how they impact marketing strategies, the differences and their…

There are two common terms that can be used interchangeably; customer retention and customer loyalty. However, it’s vividly clear that…

Customer segmentation in marketing is defined as the art of finding homogenous groups of customers and dividing them into one…

We strongly believe that having a small market is not bad, but only if it’s part of a larger market…

Data-driven marketing is by no means a new concept – although it’s still trendy. The reason for it lies within…

In marketing, the existing customers are not only more likely to shop again from you, but they could also recommend…

As any business grows, so will its customer base and the need for well-rounded customer segmentation. Getting more buyers drawn…

If you know how to retain customers and stop dropouts in the Ecommerce ring, you’re talented in customer retention. And, if you…